We are Better You!

Yes, technology is everywhere; especially in the spread of information and knowledge, and we are not denying it. In fact, at Better You we embrace it even more by complementing the need to efficiently utilize technology, while still giving it the essential human touch. Our book summaries are hand-crafted by writers, making them as lesson-based as possible while still being engaging, so that you can focus on effective implementation! We believe that books are a powerhouse of wisdom, forming an integral component of self-growth, mindfulness, and success. Going forward with this belief, Better You now offers three extensive training programs and a host of short program that will prove to be beneficial not only to your professional life but most importantly to your personal excellence!

Each year, more than two million (20 Lakhs) people worldwide try to get a job at the Forbes 500 companies. When we look at the ratio of applications to hires, we can see that only 0.2% of all applications are hired. Technical and academic skills are critical, but life-skills which is a set of behavioural, cognitive and social skills are equally or perhaps more important to a successful career and life. The Better You Academy offers virtual and classroom training programs that equip participants with powerful soft skills helping them unleash their best self!


The Better You Program

Today, we as individuals, have come to an understanding that to grow, to be better ourselves, the balance between our professional and personal lives is of utmost importance. Keeping this in mind, the Better You program is a holistic development initiative aimed at anyone who is looking at polishing must-know skills essential to both personal and professional growth. The first skill that the program covers is of turning all its attendees into master communicators who are able to effectively gauge a situation and react accordingly. More often than not, it is the inability to understand a circumstance, the inability to be emotionally intelligent, that leads to conflicts, and by being self-aware, as well as being mindful of everyone around you, a conflict can be entirely avoided.

Yet, conflicts are also an opportunity to emerge as composed and thinking individuals. Hence, this program also guides you to not only become a skilled negotiator, but also a creative and lateral thinker who can free themself from any tight spot, while still keeping their mental well-being intact.

When one steps into the professional world, making yourself heard is a task. However, if you adhere to a collective growth mindset, not only will you be regarded as a team player, but because of this mindset, people will likely choose you as a leader, one who gives everyone a chance, one who leads by example.

Being a leader, however, doesn’t mean only leading others. It also includes, first, being able to mold yourself into an expert planner and an efficient executor; a highly productive yet approachable figure. Only when this happens can you become a true goal setter and achiever.

With our Better You program you can achieve all this and much more!

What does this program cover?

  • Communicate Effectively
  • Design your personal brand
  • Increase Your Emotional and Social Intelligence
  • Master your Time and Boost your Productivity
  • Work Towards Networking
  • Adopt winner’s mindset
  • Unleash your true potential

Campus to Corporate

Our C2C program is for those anxiety-ridden college graduates who are only just stepping out into the world. As a fresher, people-pleasing becomes such a riding force, that introspection and interpersonal development, and your self-worth take a backseat. And while it is important to be amiable and polite, it must not happen at the cost of losing yourself.

Once you are ready to view yourself in a positive light, correcting your faults, building confidence, and portraying a poised and efficient image of yourself becomes much easier.

However, it is also crucial to understand that being confident and arrogant are two different things. In order to fit into the corporate world, but still stand out, knowing business etiquette, interview and presentation skills are definitely a must.

We understand that the shift from college life to corporate life can be quite stressful, but with these skills and many other basic skills of communication, decision making, and problem-solving, the transition can be as smooth as ever!

What does this program cover?

  • Introspection and Interpersonal Development
  • Communication and Decision Making
  • Image Management and Confidence
  • Interview and Presentation skills
  • Business Etiquette

Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Let’s face it – the corporate world isn’t exactly full of sunshine and rainbows, right? So, how do you make it a world where you not only fit in but rather thrive and achieve to the best of your abilities? That’s where our Climbing the Corporate Ladder program comes in!

The most sought-after skill in the corporate world is management – management of time, work, happiness, and your entire life, for that matter. Yet, very few seem to master it because managing management is a skill in itself and once that is sorted, you’re already halfway through.

While you might think that skills like positive thinking, resilience, active listening, and mental preparedness are a sham, if adopted correctly, can help you achieve that work-life balance.

Additionally, innovation and collaboration are two skills that will set you apart as a leader. From these skills stem motivation, responsibility, and resilience that are must-haves to reach the top.

After conquering these skills, the peak is all yours!

What does this program cover?

  • Managerial effectiveness
  • Innovation and Problem-solving
  • Quick Thinking and Execution
  • Leadership Skill Development
  • Collaboration and Negotiation
  • Resilience and Responsibility

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